The 5 themes of Geography

The 5 themes of Geography
Why is each place on Earth unique?
Each place has different features needed for living that's why it's hard to pick a place to settle in.  Place refers to the physical and human aspects of a location.  The toponym is the name of a place.  Site is the physical features of a place which determines if a place has the resources you need.  Situation is the environmental conditions of a place and where it's located in relation to other places.  Geographers use site, situation and toponym to describe location.
Using site and situation for our mapping worksheet, I chose E for 1.  E had the best location site wise, it had access to all the best resources needed for living.  For 2 I chose C because it is in the middle of all the other places which is most convenient for trading purposes.  For 3 I chose E even though it's not the easiest for trading purposes it has the most and best resources surrounding it.  For 4 I chose A for site because it was close to the fresh water swamps, waterfalls and rivers.  For situation I chose A again because it's in the center on the land and accessible by all the locations.  For 5 I chose C for site because it's closest to the coal which is essential for railroad use, close to farm land, mountains and the ocean.  I also chose C for the best situation because it's closest to the most oil for railroads to trade and is in the center of the land and the center of each location.
