
Today we took the test.  I did not feel ready at all, probably because I only briefly studied last night for it.  Before we took it I went over everything though.  I thought that the test was pretty easy, I knew just about all the answers.  I would not have done well if I hadn't gone over everything though.  I was nervous that I wouldn't finish within the twenty minutes that we were allowed to use the website but I finished before the twenty minutes were up.  There was one question about Russia's birth rate and if it would be rising or falling and I didn't know wha to say so I just said rising.  I also had no idea what the extra credit questions were, I didn't even know what it was asking so I just made up two random numbers.  Other than that I feel pretty confident with how I did.  I got to study for my math test that I have later today because I finished early.
