
In today's class we had a test.  We reviewed for the test in class yesterday by going over a powerpoint.  It was pretty much all the same things I had already learned from Mr. Fendryk's class, so I wasn't too worried about it.  I think I did really good on it, at least I did until after everyone finished I realized I got three wrong.  The three questions that asked what time it would be in one place based on the time in the other were the ones I got wrong.  Like for the San Fransisco one, I subtracted three hours for our time instead of adding:( . It's ok though because I think I got all the other question right on the test.  I honestly thought it was gonna be a harder test but maybe it just wasn't hard because I studied enough.  I found a quilt on everything we were learning and studied from that mostly, and a little from the powerpoint we looked at in class yesterday.  I think I studied enough for the quiz and I'm pretty happy with how I think I did.


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