11/12/19-didn't do anyting

In today's uman geography class, we didn't really do much.  We were supposed to finish our slide show project on the countries but we finished our slide show the last class.  We all went through the slide show together and read our slides out load for practice.  Then I read my introduction to bible reading check pages out loud.  Mr. Schick told me I read very monotone and that I should read how I talk.  Then I tried to and my group didn't like it so now I'm doing my blog.  Sierra went to the bathroom.  She's taking a long time, I bet she went to her locker or something.  It's raining today, I love the rain.  A lot of people don't like the rain though.  I don't know why.  It's so peaceful, especially at night when I'm laying in bed, trying to fall asleep.  The sound of rain or a storm is so soothing.
