11/13/19- presenting

In todays class we did almost all the presentations.  We have one more group that needs to present tomorrow.  My group presented today though.  I think we did really good.  Kenzie has a concussion I heard so she wasn't here today but Sierra stepped in and presented her slide for her and she did a good job.  Our slide show wasn't as long as everyone else but I still think we did a good job.  I'm glad we got it done and didn't wait for Kenzie to get back so it's out of the way now.  I kind of like presenting, it's cool to see how the teacher sees all the students during class.  It is a little nerve racking at times but I'm pretty comfortable with public speaking so that's nice.  Today it wasn't raining like yesterday but it was super cold this morning.  It was 21 degrees!  It was probably cold enough to snow.  I'm not ready for snow yet though, not til December.
