
In todays class we took the test on the Guns, Germs, and Steal video.  I took three pages worth of notes and studied them all a lot.  I felt pretty confident before I took the test and I still do.  Whenever I take tests I count how many answers I'm not sure about and then after I turn it in I see what my score would be if I got those wrong.  I think I got a 22/26 which would be an 84%.  I think I could've done better but I did my best.  Mr. Schick put relaxing music on during the test too which I really liked actually.  I also tried not bubbling in the Scantron until I finished the whole test and I think that helped too because it forced me to check all my answers before I wrote them down and I did end up changing a couple.  I have an English quiz next period so I'm going to do some online studying on the website.  Later today I'm also reading at mass during Bible class which I'm nervous but also excited for.


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